Sunday, 25 October 2015

Skinny vs. Fat - What It Means To Be Beautiful

In a newsletter to members, I asked the question "What does beauty mean?" and my short answer that it is different for each individual. Soon after sending that newsletter, I was on YouTube and saw this British documentary entitled "Skinny Brides to Fat Wives".

At first, I thought that this was going to be another weight loss documentary and about how women are struggling to lose weight so that they can return to their skinny selves. The first 20 minutes of the documentary only served to fuel this thinking.

However, towards the later half of the documentary, there was a change in the 'body dialogue' that these women were telling themselves. Instead of obsessing about weight, it was more about self-discovery on health and self-confidence.

As one of them said, "I don't need to be skinny to feel sexy." What is beauty and sexiness? It's all in the state of mind. When we feel good about ourselves on the inside, it naturally will show on the outside and this will continue its virtuous circle.

Ladies, just be you. Because you're be(you)tiful.

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